Pets Are Important Too

  • Transporting An Injured Dog To The Animal Hospital

    25 September 2017

    Seeing your dog uncomfortable as the result of an injury is one of the stressful things about being a pet owner. You might already have an animal hospital in mind, but what you might not ever expect is how hard it can be to get a sick animal there when they're in obvious pain. Trip delays can be detrimental to the health of your fuzzy friend; for that reason, you must use the guidance below:

  • Important Things To Do After You Adopt A Rescue Cat

    24 August 2017

    If you are someone who has decided that they want to get a cat, and you have decided that you are going to adopt a rescue cat instead of one that is from a breeder, then you need to prepare yourself for what you need to do. A rescue cat will often need to have more care and treatment than a cat that is brought from a expensive breeder; however, these cats are often a great reward in and of themselves.

  • Tips For Caring For Your First Adopted Puppy

    16 July 2017

    If you just adopted your first puppy, then it is important you know how to properly care for it. Puppies require a lot of time and effort to help them grow into healthy adult dogs with a good disposition. To ensure your family's new puppy stays healthy and happy, follow each of these time-tested tips: Tip: Make an Appointment with a Local Veterinarian  The first thing you need to do after adopting a puppy is to call and make an appointment with a veterinarian in your area.

  • The 3 Important Things Wellness Panels Can Tell You About Your Cat

    28 June 2017

    If you've been to the veterinarian lately, you may have heard about wellness blood panels for pets. Wellness blood panels take a small blood sample and then send it to a laboratory, where it's subjected to a number of tests. These tests can help to determine how healthy your cat is and whether or not they have any serious medical issues that have gone unnoticed. If you're unsure if a wellness panel is right for your cat, keep reading to learn the three most important things wellness panels detect.

  • Doggone Bones: What To Do If Your Dog Swallowed A Bone

    19 June 2017

    Did your dog swallow a bone? The dog may have gotten into some food that you were going to prepare and then ended up swallowing the bone while eating everything in its sight. Unfortunately, this can cause serious problems for your precious pup. It is important for you to take swift action by seeking help for your pet at a veterinary clinic. Bring Your Pet to the Vet Clinic Schedule an appointment to bring your dog to see the veterinarian.

  • What Should You Do If Your Dog Eats A Bone At A Summer Barbecue?

    30 July 2015

    Dogs love barbecues: the sights, the smells, the people and of course, the food. Dogs can get into all manner of trouble when they eat people food, but one of the biggest threats to dogs at summer barbecues are the bones found in foods like chicken and ribs. Knowing what to do if your dog swallows a bone can help you keep your dog safe, and may even save your dog's life.

  • 5 Things Guinea Pig Owners Need To Know About Ear Infections

    30 July 2015

    Guinea pigs are very delicate animals that can develop a wide range of illnesses. Some of these illnesses are also things that can affect people, like ear infections. Here are five things you need to know about ear infections in guinea pigs. What are the signs of an ear infection? The signs of an ear infection can be easy to miss since guinea pigs tend to hide any sign of weakness or illness.

  • Babesiosis: A Guide For Dog Owners

    30 July 2015

    If you're a dog owner, you probably know to be wary of deer ticks, since they spread Lyme disease. However, there's another tick-borne illness to be aware of, too. Babesiosis is an infection spread by the American dog tick and the brown dog tick. If you live in areas such as the West Coast, Florida, or the eastern United States where these species of ticks are present, then you need to know the basics about this disease in order to better protect your dog.

  • Removing Fleas From Your Pet And Home

    30 July 2015

    If you have noticed small crawling and hopping insects on your cat or dog's fur coat, they most likely have contracted fleas. Fleas are tiny parasites that cause skin problems for pets if they are not removed promptly. They can also start becoming embedded in your carpeting and bedding if they hop off of your pet. If you have never dealt with fleas before, you will most likely feel uncomfortable and anxious about helping your pet and removing them from your home.

  • Treatment Options For The Cat With Hyperthyroidism

    30 July 2015

    Has your veterinarian determined that your feline companion has a thyroid tumor? These are slow-growing tumors, but they do affect how the thyroid controls metabolism. There are three primary treatment options available. Factors such as your budget and lifestyle will help determine the approach that is best for your cat and you. Here are the three ways a cat clinic will treat hyperthyroidism and what you can expect from each.